Stop Me Before I Rant Again

Monday, April 17, 2006

West Bank Settlers in Renaissance pose

My friend Tim Perkis pointed out this shot from the AP wire, I think it is from the NY Times front page, but I have lost the attribution for the photographer. It looks like a painting, and as soon as I find the attribution I will add it. This photographer deserves a Pulitzer prize.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Cheney getting 1.9 Million Tax refund

My brothers family just had a brood of puppies,
Pomeranian - Shih Tzu mix
In other words:

Sounds like a good name for the neo-conservative political movement.

from MSNBC:
" The White House also released the 2005 tax return filed by the Cheneys. They reported adjusted gross income of nearly $8.82 million, which was largely the result of exercising stock options that had been set aside in 2001 for charity.
<= ( note that it was not used for charity however, just a a tax dodge for Haliburton profits, editor)

According to the return, they have overpaid their taxes this year and are entitled to a refund of about $1.9 million."

I am not gruntled

I miss William Buckley. He doesn't like these facists either.