The need to "Power Down"
I have just finished reading an amazing analysis:
Powerdown : Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World by Richard Heinberg
from the publisher:
"If the US continues with its current policies, the next decades will be marked by war, economic collapse, and environmental catastrophe. Resource depletion and population pressures are about to catch up with us, and no one is prepared. The political elites, especially in the US, are incapable of dealing with the situation and have in mind a punishing game of "Last One Standing."
Given the decline of oil resources he predicts that our 6.5 billion will dwindle down to a more sustainable1.3 billion or so by 2220. That will make for a colorful century. My poor kids.
Seeing the Smart Cars in Paris has prompted me to become a "ZAP" or Zero Air Pollution affiliate. I already use an electric bicycle and my wife and I are planning to convert the southside of our roof to solar.
An interesting article buried away in the Sierra Club online newsletter is entitled "Brokeback Bush" and points out all the cool ecological features of Bush's Crawford, TX ranch. The irony and disconnects of this administration are something I am getting used to. Their vision of the compassionate and passionate Christ allowing the torture of evil doers ... might makes right, just talk to the ghost of Pontius Pilate. He was just as clever.
more ranting later
Powerdown : Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World by Richard Heinberg
from the publisher:
"If the US continues with its current policies, the next decades will be marked by war, economic collapse, and environmental catastrophe. Resource depletion and population pressures are about to catch up with us, and no one is prepared. The political elites, especially in the US, are incapable of dealing with the situation and have in mind a punishing game of "Last One Standing."
Given the decline of oil resources he predicts that our 6.5 billion will dwindle down to a more sustainable1.3 billion or so by 2220. That will make for a colorful century. My poor kids.
Seeing the Smart Cars in Paris has prompted me to become a "ZAP" or Zero Air Pollution affiliate. I already use an electric bicycle and my wife and I are planning to convert the southside of our roof to solar.
An interesting article buried away in the Sierra Club online newsletter is entitled "Brokeback Bush" and points out all the cool ecological features of Bush's Crawford, TX ranch. The irony and disconnects of this administration are something I am getting used to. Their vision of the compassionate and passionate Christ allowing the torture of evil doers ... might makes right, just talk to the ghost of Pontius Pilate. He was just as clever.
more ranting later