Stop Me Before I Rant Again

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Pelosi makes way for the State Dept.

How come there has been no comment about the Republicans that joined Pelosi on her recent trip? What about the "Iraq study groups" recommendation to do just this sort of shuttle diplomacy with both Iran and Syria? The elephant in the room is not that Pelosi's acts are treasonous as the now knee jerk neo-con response would have, but that the republicans are missing their opportunity to reframe the context of foreign policy.

Obviously, with Bush's failed foreign policy it is time for some real leaders to step forward. Personally I was hoping that the Republicans would pick up the ball more than Pelosi, and I am sure that those Republican house members that were on the trip with her are thinking the same thing.

The Bush administrations absolutely failed foreign policy has left the U.S. as the third most hated country in the world after North Korea and Cuba, in a recent poll. Something has to change and I am at least thankful Pelosi is creating a dialog and an opportunity for the State Dept. to finally move forward as they should have right after the "Iraq study group" recommendations.

Pelosi should however get out of the way and let the real diplomats negotiate from here. They are in a better position to support our various deployments,etc.