Monday, August 13, 2007

Turdblossom getting flushed?

Here is a picture of the two criminals burping each other.
This is very suspect move. Why would Karl Rove suddenly need to spend more time with his family? It is almost certain that the RNC has picked the horse they want to fix this upcoming horse race with and they need Rove's patented criminal corporate sponsored lying and mass manipulation skills to come to bear on the unwitting "patriotic" dupes out there. If that last sentence enraged you, then obviously you are such a fool.

The war of words is beyond redemption. As he slithers away, it is clear that he is the one, along Overlord Dick Chenney needs to be tried for treason, nothing less. Impeachment is to good for these traitors, don't kid yourself.

So what is the real story? I think we are in store for some sort of maneuver that will require the lifting of the constitution, marshall law, and then president for life George " I am not popular only because you don't understand" Bush. It could happen.

Bush Directive for a "Catastrophic Emergency" in America: Building a Justification for Waging War on Iran?

Read that if you think I am being hyperbolic ... Why would Karl Rove get out just when the fun was going to start? Only George Bush's polyps know for sure.

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