General Petraeus or General Betray Us?
This was the actual quote from the "Move On" ad in the NY Times. It is a question. Is General Petraeus "Cooking the Books for the WhiteHouse" ? was the sub-title. As it ends up, he did, and therefore if you you are a citizen that wants the people you have entrusted with power to speak with honesty and clarity, the David Patraeus' testimony was a disappointment when compared to the independently reported facts on the ground in Iraq. In this sense he did betray the trust of a majority of the American people and in no way does "MoveOn" deserve censure.
It is clear that this is the an ongoing tactic of these warlords, these chicken hawk liars. Attack anyone who speaks truth to power as in some way unpatriotic. Again, MoveOn, was making a request, "Don't sugar quote the truth with fake projections ... do not betray us with false analysis, yet again"
Elected leaders that lie to congress and the American people, over and over, those are the ones that deserve censure and scorn.
I am reminded of the the whole "Swift" boat controversy surrounding John Kerry during his abortive run for the president. John Kerrry wasn't perfect but one thing that is clear is that when he was commander of his swift boat in Vietanm he preformed valiantly and risked his life on several occasions to save those under his command. Some how these lying bastards, wh never served a day in the service of their country turned this into a liability.
Dan Rather's censure comes to mind. He simply pointed out that our fake president who continues to play war with an ever increasing deficit went AWOL while he served in his slaker rich boy unit of the Alabama National Guard. Some sloppy reportage was uncovered, but no refutation of these facts. Yet, Dan Rather was censured and fired and baby Bush goes calavanting along destroying our country and being hailed as a patriot. This is truly disgusting.
This video is the topper. Video of Dick Cheney saying that invading Iraq would be a mistake back in 1994. what changed? The truth probably is that in 1994, Cheney couldn't have guaranteed Halliburton the major contracts he has been able to score them since he got the VP position in the White House. We are in serious trouble, but lets attack the people that are pointing it out ... that's the ticket