Bush ratings at 34%
Bush job rating falls to all-time low: poll
How stupid are the 34% that still support this administration?Finally, even the bible thumpers are waking up to these criminals. I just wish Cheney would take Bush hunting.
Have you all seen this:
Impostor : How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy
by Bruce Bartlett
"Bartlett, an economist and former Reagan administration official, attacks the Bush administration hard but from the political Right. Challenging Bush's conservative principles of operation and credentials, Bartlett actually gives former president Clinton more credit for following conservative economic principles. In contrast, the Bush administration has been marked by shortsightedness, if not anti--intellectualism, too willing to reward friends without regard to competency and to punish as enemies those who deviate from the party line. Bush's shortcomings include his drug bill, trade policies, and expanded regulatory requirements. Interestingly, Bartlett concludes that Bush's relentless effort to cut taxes will leave an unenviable legacy for a conservative--the need for America's largest tax increase. Bartlett also takes the administration to task for corruption that violates the principles of difference the Republican Party declared during the campaign against Clinton. This is a worthy critique, one that the administration will not be able to dismiss as liberal propaganda."
I heard this guy speak and he is a George Wills, Irving Cristol conservative that is just ripping this administration to shreds. Now if there was only an alternative, the Democrats seem to be waiting for permission to use the handicapped access to the political system.
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