I am baffled by the popularity of talk show host such as Limbaugh and O' Reilly. This latest wrinkle made me want to rant, yet again. Here is the letter I sent to the email address that you don't have to pay to use and Bill "
sex perv" O' Reilly will never read. Maybe he should try oxycodin ... like Russ.
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients failed.
Reporting-MTA: dns;phoenix.foxnewsnyc.com
Arrival-Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 19:03:53 -0500
Final-Recipient: rfc822;oreilly@foxnews.com
Action: failed Status: 5.2.2 X-Display-Name: Show -O'ReillyMr. O'Reilly,
I have never listened to either you or Keith Olberman of MSNBC, but I have heard the absolutely un-American comments you made after one of your callers was making a comparison of your show and Mr. Olberman.
Basically," We have your phone number and "fox security" is going to come after you .... "
What the heck? This is America, buddy, not some despotic regime. Freedom of choice is more than the choice between Pepsi or Coke, and discourse of ideas includes intelligent discussion of both sides of an issue. For example, your shout down of Terry Gross did not take away from the fact that you never answered some very legitimate questions about your style of "journalism" she was asking. If you are so concerned with the "truth" you need to think this one through a little more.
Having read the NPR ombudsman
report on this incident and then listening to the interchange, I agree that her reading of the People's magazine comments to your empty chair was not appropriate, but listening back to your inability to intelligently refute legitimate questions was equally if not more inappropriate.
Please find the middle again you have drifted way too far from the rest of us. I want our old America back where policies are discussed in an open forum.
Read one of the great American president's last speeches to get a real sense of what I am talking about:
Public Papers of the Presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960, p. 1035- 1040Respectfully,
Scot Gresham-Lancaster
Blog readers here is an interesting
analysis from the NYU journalim school of that rather shocking Terry Gross interview.
At the end of that analysis is a pointer to an incredible 1964 Harpers article:
The Paranoid Style in American PoliticsThis ranks up there with Eisenhower's last speech that I alluded to at the end of the letter.