Stop Me Before I Rant Again

Monday, August 13, 2007

Daily Show: Rove subpoenaed after Leahy's balls grow three sizes

Really funny clip about Rove's subpoena. I particularly liked Asif's contempt graph. The Daily show really got it right this time. I recommend you check it out.

read more | digg story

Turdblossom getting flushed?

Here is a picture of the two criminals burping each other.
This is very suspect move. Why would Karl Rove suddenly need to spend more time with his family? It is almost certain that the RNC has picked the horse they want to fix this upcoming horse race with and they need Rove's patented criminal corporate sponsored lying and mass manipulation skills to come to bear on the unwitting "patriotic" dupes out there. If that last sentence enraged you, then obviously you are such a fool.

The war of words is beyond redemption. As he slithers away, it is clear that he is the one, along Overlord Dick Chenney needs to be tried for treason, nothing less. Impeachment is to good for these traitors, don't kid yourself.

So what is the real story? I think we are in store for some sort of maneuver that will require the lifting of the constitution, marshall law, and then president for life George " I am not popular only because you don't understand" Bush. It could happen.

Bush Directive for a "Catastrophic Emergency" in America: Building a Justification for Waging War on Iran?

Read that if you think I am being hyperbolic ... Why would Karl Rove get out just when the fun was going to start? Only George Bush's polyps know for sure.

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

General Strike on 9-11

Dear friends,

Just heard about this.
Please send it out to 20 people you know ...
I hope we can all do something together to try and get our country back
I am so tired of feeling helpless in the face of all this.
This seems very appropriate action to me.


A general strike has been proposed for 9/11/07. No work, school or shopping. Even a low number of participants can make a difference. The event will show up on the radar of the Powers That Be.

The Time Has Come.
To Say NO.
While We Still Have a Chance.

Tuesday 9/11/07
No Work. No School. No Shopping.
Hit the Streets !!!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bush fatigue

from Belacqua Jones Dictionary:

A man behind the wheel of his BMW with an iPod in his ear who thinks he is a rebel

En pleine catastrophe nationale (l’ouragan Katrina), nous voyons décrit, W. s’improvise chanteur de country.

Grab your "freedom fries" (l'pomme frittes du liberte') and sing along.

This is just one of many times this Conn. cowboy has horrified any sensible person, but the the real inspiration for my writing today is this "Bush fatigue" phenomenon.

The gruelling reality of 6 years in which I am outraged, not just annoyed, by action after action of this administration. For example:

President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.

Clinton had started this trend with 105 signing statements, 3 times more than any other president, but in keeping with the seemingly unstoppable destruction of our system of government, the sock puppet on the right has out done the sock puppet on the left.

To clearly understand the scope of this across the aisle collusion and national integral atrophy just look at the "United North" agreements that are being set up with no congressional or judicial oversight in the video below. This is as you can expect a grab from the power elite to widen profit margins by dropping tariffs, not a bad idea in itself, but without legislative oversight and with the history of the last two decades (GATT, NAFTA, etc.) this will not be designed for universal advantage, but rather the advantage for the same elites that are complicit in the staging of the "war on terror".

I am so "fatigued" and yet I continue with this quixotic ranting. If nothing else it is like my own little "Anne Frank" diary.
In the Baghdad citadel, the “Green Zone”, from which America ruled Iraq, Mr Shadid encounters a breed of chirpy young Republicans, unflaggingly loyal to their government and wholly inadequate to their tasks: “Iraqis rock!” two of them tell him.


Yes we are going to pull right out of Iraq next year and leave this 10 billion dollar citadel for our new free Iraqi friends, who love the USA for all they have done .... right, and I am not fatigued.